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‘As I’ve gotten older I find myself bursting into tears at the drop of a hat’

I hate to admit it, but I think I’m officially “a crier.”
I never used to cry much, but as I’ve gotten older I find myself bursting into tears at the drop of a hat.
In my twenties, if I was crying, it was probably because of a break-up, and if a friend saw me crying, they would have known something was seriously wrong. But these days, I’ve turned into that friend who cries! I randomly burst into tears or start welling up at the most inconvenient times.
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I was watching the Olympics last month, and I found myself tearing up every time someone I was cheering for won a medal. I was just so damn happy for them!
But it got me thinking, why on earth do I cry so much? I mean, not all the time, but randomly and sometimes at the strangest things.
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Things like: people winning sporting or talent competitions, watching kids dance on stage, kids’ movies with adult themes secretly woven through them, romantic movies (I’m sure we all cry at those), when I see certain Reels on Instagram (mainly about kids or posts sharing their sickness journeys), and I even shed a tear when I see traffic parting on the M1 to let an ambulance through.
Oh, and I hate to admit it, but I also cry when lovey-dovey things happen on reality shows like MAFS, and I’m sure the list goes on.
For those who saw me on The Summit (Season 2), you would have seen me in all my crying glory, bursting into tears every time someone asked me why I was there or when I started to talk about the struggles of being a mum.
The crying would just start, and it was super hard to stop. It’s something I can’t seem to control and, usually, the more I try to stop it as I feel it bubbling up to the surface, the more it explodes out like a waterfall of uncontrollable tears.
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Is it because I have a lot of empathy? Is it because I love love? Is it because I’m stressed and have built-up emotions buried deep inside?
Is it a trigger somewhere in my body or mind? Or maybe it’s a combination of them all with a sense of overwhelm dolloped on top.
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I haven’t figured out the answer, but I recently noticed LeAnn Rimes on the current season of The Voice seems to also have these random acts of crying.
It made me wonder if other women, or even just people in general, do this. What randomly sets you off?
I’d love to know so we can all cry together – whether it’s the sad cry or the happy cry kind. I’m sure I’m not alone.
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